First Post: What to Expect in This Space

This site’s articles contain a single story told over several pages. Beginning with the Introduction, each successive page is linked at the bottom of what you’re reading. The Article list in the main menu reflects this order, too.

In this space I’ll be posting content and thoughts related to the themes of the site, including especially about soul and how to deal with difficult emotional issues explored on the site.

At times I’ll also share parts of my own story of dealing with despair, hopelessness, and feeling that life isn’t worth living. It may at times be a bit of a “Dear Diary” situation, but instead of being a space for my healing, it’ll be some stories on how I worked through some of the most difficult life issues and psychological/emotional hurdles over the years.

In my work, I’ve been guided to get personal. There are times when I wince at what I’m about to share because it’s so very, deeply personal. But with this kind of subject matter, it’s not about words, ideas, talking – it’s about the heart. What I can share with you anecdotally in this blog may help you parse and put into play in your life some of the healing strategies I mention in How Can We Prevent Suicide?

On the site, you’ll see a number of images of tunnels. You might have guessed that this is about the light at the end of the tunnel, which it is, at least in part. The other bit about it is that when we feel there’s no hope and believe that death is the only way out, we’re wrong. We can feel overwhelmed, falling into a belief trap that there’s no way out. But there is – there’s actually light at the end of your current tunnel. And you can learn to work with where you are so you can progress toward it, leaving behind the idea that death is the answer.

My main message with this site is to teach you that you don’t have to die to experience major release from the pain and despair you might be experiencing. All things can be healed … and we just have to learn how.

As you’ll explore on the site, I teach that there are numerous ways to begin to heal from despair and hopelessness, and future blog posts will offer perspectives on putting them into play in real life.

Stay tuned to this space for periodic updates, and explore the Resources page to learn about channeled energy work mp3s and books that can support you in your process. You can also check out the Consultations page on my main site for information on working with me.


1 thought on “First Post: What to Expect in This Space”

  1. Donna M Saber

    A tour de force on the taboo subject of suicide! This eloquently written work resonates and puts into perspective what I have sensed is TRUTH after my brother committed suicide. A profound body of work which will be immensely beneficial to a person contemplating suicide, a person who has survived a suicide attempt, as well as survivors of a completed suicide.
    Thank you, Tom Jacobs, for creating this website.

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